Do you know how you read stories about people who suddenly find their lives irrevocably altered in some way through a single day?  

Maybe they stumble across an ancient artifact that gives them superhuman abilities or find out the world around them is just an illusion. 

Perhaps they meet a person that leaves them electrified, believing in the adage – there’s a person out there for everyone – that it’s written in the stars – eternal.  

Sure, some of these tales are fiction, made up – nothing but someone’s random thought evolved into a well-developed, entertaining narrative. But the crazy thing, the exciting thing, is that some of these stories you hear aren’t made up at all. No, they’re real. Actual accounts of someone that, through a random event, maybe even a particular circumstance, has their life suddenly changed so that it is never the same so that they are never the same. 

So think about that when you wake up tomorrow or the next day. What could happen to you that could change your life forever? 

Until next time-