What must happen if you want a life of enriching interactions and healthy relationships?

Of course, surround yourself with those you trust.

It’s an easy concept for, say, werewolves from the same pack, a group of people from the same elite military team, or even the Longbeard Dwarves from the mountains above Kheled-zaram, but for someone like you and I – well, it’s not always so cut and dry.

It’s a process. Not a process of figuring out who will have your back when the rumor mill gets a hold of a particularly dark moment in your life or a method to determine who’s not faking it when those you know seem to be sharing in the losses of your life.

No, surrounding yourself with those you trust is a process that must happen within.

Your instincts, intuition, all of those innate superpowers dwelling in your gut – they need to become a part of all that you are, every thought, every decision. You need to own them. That is the process.

To trust others first, you’ll have to trust yourself.

Until next time-